Today started off pretty badly. Its the terrible day I have to be at uni by 8am. This is made worse by the fact that its a 45 minute walk there. I did however get a lot of work done.
I managed to join the vegetarian club today at uni as well, its run by the Harri Krishna's as a charity. Its only 5 dollars and you get a large curry, papadam, semolina pudding AND a lemonade, it really broke up my day nicely.
For dinner I cooked home made chili and for desert home made panacotta with melted carob.
Tonight we are going to do something a bit controversial, If you've heard of freeganism before you might understand. Short story long we (Alison Wayne and myself) are going to head down to our local supermarkets and go through there bins and see if threes anything salvageable. It sounds highly questionable I know, be live me.. I know.. but i guess you could think of it as a social experiment. Or that we are really bored.
As I write this we are letting dinner settle whilst watching Mad Men. If you haven't seen your probably blind. Its a show set in the early 1960s where the man work in an advertising firm. Its got me wanting to paint my nails to match my lips and Wayne having a glass of scotch on the rocks whilst wacthing telly.
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