As some of you may already know, Newcastle's coal mines, import and exports are the biggest in Australia, and therefore the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
As we first arrived there were some speakers who made some interesting points.
The first speaker was from Greenpeace, name of Steven something (very prof, to miss the last name i know).
"The Government says that we need to get the coal from somewhere, and if not from here someone else would be supplying it, there will be goods as long as there is a need for them. I have always thought this sounded very much like the excuse of a drug dealer." Steven "something or other".
The blockade its self entails a bunch of people rafting out and blocking the coal port for one whole day. Last year the coal port was shut for the entire day which is a great victory, this year apparently the schedules for the day which are normally free for public viewing have been missing for five days. what a surprise.
Also this year, Greenpeace supplied 3 boats to join in. On board were professional sailors and medics in case of emergency's.
The largest police boat yet was set on patrol when the was pointed out an elderly gentleman near me started heckling screaming "police against change" and things of that nature which really started getting me into the spirit.
It was a boiling hot day and the boats/rafts/kiaks finally took to the water with the questionable aid of a political pop group playing in the background.
Here's some photos my cameraman/boy toy took for you. he's pretty nifty with a camera.
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