Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010

As a uni student Food is the most important thing in the world to me. I can not do anything before I have eaten everything.
Maybe one day I shall progress to the point where I would rather be living off toast and spending my money on pretty dresses or travel, but right now, I'd rather be in a two dollar op-shop dress, eating mustard pork chops and roasted veggies.
(be jealous because that is my dinner for tonight!)
On that same note, because of my impending trip to Sweden, I have decided to make some sort of written budget. Which.. I will get to after i have streamed my seventh episode of 16 and pregnant.. ah procrastination.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wrong side of the bed.

Im very grumpy today
I am going to visit a gentleman known simply as "The Newcastle Bikeman" to get my bike. The man teaches bike saftey as well as finding old bikes and restoring them, selling them on again for less then fifty dollars! What a champ!
Im also going to see my friends album launch this afternoon so hopefully I cheer up...and this effing rain stops, damn you damp dark Newcastle!
Note to self, invest in gumboots.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
blah blah
Damn you cold rainy newcastle weather.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
My arota belongs to you
The next time we met I had to come up to see a friend and on the night before i returned home I confessed he was cute without looking at home and running away quickly.
The third time we got together my knees knocked and palms sweated. I know now that he was even more shy then I was but he still took me by the hand and talked to me about my favorite movies and songs and which place i would like to travel to.
The first time he told me he loved me I thought I would burst with happiness.
Every time I'm sad Wayne rubs my neck and listens while I sob about my day. He loves all the silly little drawings of animals i give him.
I can only hope that we stay like this forever.
Thank you Wayne for being the best in the world and giving me the best day yesterday.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Newcastles fight against climate change; The 5th peoples blockade
As some of you may already know, Newcastle's coal mines, import and exports are the biggest in Australia, and therefore the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
As we first arrived there were some speakers who made some interesting points.
The first speaker was from Greenpeace, name of Steven something (very prof, to miss the last name i know).
"The Government says that we need to get the coal from somewhere, and if not from here someone else would be supplying it, there will be goods as long as there is a need for them. I have always thought this sounded very much like the excuse of a drug dealer." Steven "something or other".
The blockade its self entails a bunch of people rafting out and blocking the coal port for one whole day. Last year the coal port was shut for the entire day which is a great victory, this year apparently the schedules for the day which are normally free for public viewing have been missing for five days. what a surprise.
Also this year, Greenpeace supplied 3 boats to join in. On board were professional sailors and medics in case of emergency's.
The largest police boat yet was set on patrol when the was pointed out an elderly gentleman near me started heckling screaming "police against change" and things of that nature which really started getting me into the spirit.
It was a boiling hot day and the boats/rafts/kiaks finally took to the water with the questionable aid of a political pop group playing in the background.
Here's some photos my cameraman/boy toy took for you. he's pretty nifty with a camera.
Friday, March 26, 2010
the bare bones of the newcastle night life; a how to
Okay so on 7:55 am on a Saturday morning, I feel the need to enlighten readers on the Newcastle city night life.
We normally head out on a Friday after work and so we have the weekends for homework and watching MadMen. But Im sure Saturday nights would be much of a muchness.
At about 10;10 pm approx Run to your nearest 100 bustop. The 100 is every uni students holy grail of transportation. we can all agree that the transport system here is TERRIBLE but the 100 has honestly never failed me, he will take you (if you get the right one, there are variation of more direct routes) To the uni, to jesmond, glendale, wallsend, waratah, mayfield, wickham, civic, and Newcastle hunter street stop its self. Brilliant.
Now next point, The bus its self could all most be considered a right of passage, at this time of night everyone you kind of know from uni is MUNTED and aboard the bus singing the drunken larakins two fave songs,
Okay would I recommend joining in? yes but not directly. For example only if you know the people really well or have been on the bus for half an hour bonding over new age sardines and misogyny should you even consider joining on the back seat or making your own versus for i wish that all the ladies.
DANGER ALERT: Do not get on the back seat if there is more then 15 people and you are close to your stop I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.
This bar is located at the end of Newcastle. Its also known as the gay bar.
This once was our fave spot as it had great people, great dance floor and cheap drinks.
However, we have given our selves a life time ban after an incident involving rouge karaoke.. so ill leave this one here....
Getting off two stops after the G will take you to Beaumont street. I love going out here because its all pubs and kebab shops about a two minute walk apart. Plus theres a train station, so when the bus starts only coming ever two hours its good to know theres a back up plan.
Individually I enjoyed both the Hamilton pub and SJ's more then the Kent, it was filled more with your older tradies just knocking off work for the week but I like that. Also Hamilton pub has a who wants to be a millionaire game and sjs has a raised second story kind of area around the dj with big couches. Awesome.
The Kent is very popular and seems to have less tradies then the other two, but it still seem to be catering for the over 27s and once again i really enjoy the atmosphere. Theres a band down stairs on one side, then food on the other and upstairs is a dj and a balcony, GREAT SMOKING AREA.
okay moving on,
We tried really hard with this place. We really did. But its reputation dose not proceed it.
For example, Last night Albie spotted an attractive young man with dreadlocks, still being novices and going off reputation we of assumed he would get off at the Cambridge stop and go in, however he didn't, he spat on the ground and made a cross over his heart as he walked past the Cambridge. This gives you an idea.
HOW EVER having said this, the Cambridge has a great live band section and THE BEST five dollar cocktails.. mmm. Its almost worth all the "Cher's" who have invaded the place looking for there grungy beaus and leaving nothing for the rest of us average people.
Pinging tonight ladies and gents? if not i would give this over crowded overly testorne pumped two story club a miss. this is the place where if you like a good DJ you might see him, IE muscles.
Its most redeeming feature is the MacDonald's across the road.
your at
crowded, small live band and kind of industrial looking. Alison found 20 bucks here, maybe you'll be as lucky, if not I recommend not staying long... stock up on 5 dollar spirits.
Keep going straight and straight and straight (quiet a walk)
depending on how you followed my direction you could be at either the
The latter is very much superior. Finnegan's is the best best place to go out in Newcastle, i have never met a bad person in there. but drinks are expensive, i hope you listened and stocked up at slicks.
CBD is alright later in the night, but we always seem to get there when its still dead. its nothing special however, you seen one club you seen em all this one kind of melds into the background. If your not trying to see how many stamps you can get and generally want a good time skip it, wander around till you find Finnegan's.
Keep walking straight. when you see an oasis kebab store turn left and go across the train track over pass walking thingo, on the other side to your left you have
dont go in unless your a 16 year old with a fake id or a sexually frustrated drug addicted Lebanese man.
walk to your right and continue straight till you get to
another great Newcastle tradition. Its a Harry's hot dog DE wheels and and and and oh its just so brilliant. Please don't walk past it, get a curry tiger or a hot dog de wheels and bottle of water. go across the road and sit near the water and rest. you ll need your energy.. because up ahead is
its the most popular student watering hole. its okay i guess. I have only ever been to the upstairs part. its always very crowded but aesthetically its quiet nice, on the water with a big balcony. anyway because I tend to boycott this one ill leave it here, and let you tell me what you think about it.
Up the road is the final train station and
I remember it being happening once, but last night it was very dead. we went in peed and left. again Ill let you make up your own mind.
Well that's it. hope on the Newcastle train platform four, if you have followed my instructions carefully you will notice the next train leaves in ten minutes, hop on and wait. cacth the train to warabrok.
then walk home.
please have lots of water and avoid all seven elevens.
thank you and good night.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
welcome to the bone house
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Store bought bones.

Last nights attempts at Freeganism where not so successful. Ill publish the little movie I made about it when I come home from university this afternoon. At least we got something out of it haha.
this is what I look like as I set off to uni two hours early to work on a group assement, im doing the introduction. Im pretty important (maybe you've heard of me? I have many leather bound books har har) I dont come home till seven tonight but Ill make the effort to put up that video i promise!
ribbons and her bones

Today started off pretty badly. Its the terrible day I have to be at uni by 8am. This is made worse by the fact that its a 45 minute walk there. I did however get a lot of work done.
I managed to join the vegetarian club today at uni as well, its run by the Harri Krishna's as a charity. Its only 5 dollars and you get a large curry, papadam, semolina pudding AND a lemonade, it really broke up my day nicely.
For dinner I cooked home made chili and for desert home made panacotta with melted carob.
Tonight we are going to do something a bit controversial, If you've heard of freeganism before you might understand. Short story long we (Alison Wayne and myself) are going to head down to our local supermarkets and go through there bins and see if threes anything salvageable. It sounds highly questionable I know, be live me.. I know.. but i guess you could think of it as a social experiment. Or that we are really bored.
As I write this we are letting dinner settle whilst watching Mad Men. If you haven't seen your probably blind. Its a show set in the early 1960s where the man work in an advertising firm. Its got me wanting to paint my nails to match my lips and Wayne having a glass of scotch on the rocks whilst wacthing telly.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
here I am, back again.
After an evening of catching up on miss Victoria harts blogs I have been re inspired to begin re writing my own.
My life could not be going any better, to the point where sometimes I think about it and get filled with warm happiness and have to have a bit of a giggle... Even if im on a crowded bus with my ipod in.
I have started Uni and I am loving it, I'm doing communications and sociology its challenging but brilliant. I'm living with my best friend and the love of my life (two separate people but ether can whichever elaboration they choose)in a great house. Work is mediocre, but money is money in the long run.
I'm filled with excitement for all the thing i can do with my life. I have a new out look on everything. Wayne and I are planning over seas trip and I'm thinking of doing my last year of uni aboard. its all very exciting.
I also recently gave up eating sugar, i don't want to get all preachy on you or anything but i have never felt better, inside and out.
now consider yourself updated, ill continue adding things about my days and little assessments I'm proud of here, as well as you know good blogs, e stores, recipes blah blah SO KEEP READING and tell your friends in case they get a mention or a video.
LOVE AND SUNSHINE (from out of my arse, its pretty roomy all up in here),