Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Brisbane weekend
One of the best parts of out hotel room was the constantly reappearing tea and coffee!
we were excited to have a holiday and be out of dreary Newcastle.
I think we must have ate at every sushi place in Brisbane. The best though is the one at the front part of queen street mall. It usually has a very long line so we could only get it once. They have spider leg sushi, which we found out to our disappointment was merely soft shelled crab. Here is Wayne embracing our Anzac's.
We often had to retire to our hotel room to rest after endless walking. This door behind me opened to our own little leafy patio with table and chairs. we liked to drink tea and coffee out there.
The city at night was so much pretty, here's the wheel at south bank.
and some of Wayne's artful shots of the city, he was very pedantic about these. We went to just about every op shop, vintage shop and markets there. so much beautiful stuff and it was either to expensive or not quiet my taste. you can imagine my distress after saving for so long and coming back to finally buy things after my struggle of living there coming back empty handed felt like a failure.
We had to carobo load with wood fired pizza to get my spirits back up.
then off we went again.
this one was my favor, its called retro metro but everything there is so expensive (but dreamy.)
they were surprisingly heavy!
jonny strong :)we walked around the botanical gardens for a day and got iced coffees.
one night we had this fabulous Turkish food at a lovely restaurant at south bank, i was to scared to take pictures but the place was lovely take my word for it. this was the only one i could take, of the table cloth.
The last night we went and met Julia and Erin in a church turned pancake and steak house. It was strangely decorated with some sort of saloon meets Renaissance theme, it was off putting. Especially as we were eating out burgers and Julia told us people used to take mass there.
It was a sad night because I realised how much I miss my best friend, she lives so faraway.
The next morning by seven am (sigh) we were back in Newcastle. Cold dreary windy Newcastle.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Today I started thinking about what my animals would be like if they were people. so here we go (I'll add pictures in here when I get home)
My cat Floyd was a doomed asexual beast from the start, I thought dressing him in Christmas bows and feathers would have no ramifications. how ever i was wrong.
Floyd would be one of the prettiest boys you have ever seen, he would have large almond green eyes and long black flowing hair that from a distance makes you wonder as to his gender.
He would eye everyone with scorn while he drank red wine from waking to sleeping from a hip flask stowed in his sock garter. He would be surrounded by females who would adore him, but not in any sexual way, more of the way you adore your younger brother. completely avonguard and full of mystery, Floyd how ever would be as deep as as a paddling pool.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Alice in wonderland.
Its a small secrete hobby of mine to look up different version and interpretations of this story. I wrote my own once actually.
I'm very excited about the Tim Burton movie coming out, the girl playing Alice is wonderfully fitting.
I think this book has affected the normal thought patterns i have today.