Things I have to do before I move out.
1. Buy powder blue coat from retro metro (check)
2. Get the rest of my things (three bags full.) to Greta's house.. (they are in garbage bags, i don't know how to get them to her house yet..) (check... bus, train, 2o minute walk, simones help, get the bags to the lovely keshias house.)
3. Clean hair dye stain from carpet. (check)
4. Clean hair dye stain(s) from wall. (check)
5. Vacuum hair from all over the house when I walked around cutting it the other day (hi have we met? I'm the worst house mate ever.) (check)
6. Finish trying to squeeze everything into to two suitcase and a back pack.
7. Go to the Gods and Goddesses party on Friday night and help Simone make loads of new friends so she can go out with them of a weekend, ergo making me feel less guilty about leaving. (check... kind of... the party sucked)
1. Buy powder blue coat from retro metro (check)
2. Get the rest of my things (three bags full.) to Greta's house.. (they are in garbage bags, i don't know how to get them to her house yet..) (check... bus, train, 2o minute walk, simones help, get the bags to the lovely keshias house.)
3. Clean hair dye stain from carpet. (check)
4. Clean hair dye stain(s) from wall. (check)
5. Vacuum hair from all over the house when I walked around cutting it the other day (hi have we met? I'm the worst house mate ever.) (check)
6. Finish trying to squeeze everything into to two suitcase and a back pack.
7. Go to the Gods and Goddesses party on Friday night and help Simone make loads of new friends so she can go out with them of a weekend, ergo making me feel less guilty about leaving. (check... kind of... the party sucked)
(As I was leaving they mentioned they had many rooms that needed to be filled, maybe you should just migrate to west tower Simone?)
8. Go visit Julia and Lauren one last time. (check)
9. Go to the lifestyle markets and get a churro with whipped cream and icing sugar.
8. Go visit Julia and Lauren one last time. (check)
9. Go to the lifestyle markets and get a churro with whipped cream and icing sugar.
10. Return all library books.
11. spend hours upon hours with Greta.
11. clean entire house for leaving inspection.
12.Have one last night in the valley and finally suck it up and pay the five dollars to get into the family and birdies, which apparently you cant go out in Brisbane without. (ended up staying in but had great/better night... so check.)
(when home before Newcastle)
13. Eat a nothing but meat.
14. Spend countless quality time with pets and sister so neither of them forgets you to quickly.
15. Ring up health-food shops/chemists in Newcastle.
16. Ring Centrelink.
17. Ring prospective rooms available in Newcastle.
18. spend as much time as can with Carlota.
19. See *shudder* Janet.. *necks self.
20. op-shop a little while its cheap and you have the chance.
That's it. I'm feeling a little down because now i know for my whole life I'm going to have one of those, but what would have happened if i would have stayed in Brisbane type question, damn you Robert Frost for putting the idea so fluently and permanently in my brain. Instead of being able to relate to you, you have cursed me with the affliction of questioning every decision I make. The worst part Is I forgot to even fucking use your poem in the HSC.
also, Shelley Duvall is the thing/person/book/music/movie/pop culture reference, which has currently taken priority one in my heart strings.
11. spend hours upon hours with Greta.
11. clean entire house for leaving inspection.
12.Have one last night in the valley and finally suck it up and pay the five dollars to get into the family and birdies, which apparently you cant go out in Brisbane without. (ended up staying in but had great/better night... so check.)
(when home before Newcastle)
13. Eat a nothing but meat.
14. Spend countless quality time with pets and sister so neither of them forgets you to quickly.
15. Ring up health-food shops/chemists in Newcastle.
16. Ring Centrelink.
17. Ring prospective rooms available in Newcastle.
18. spend as much time as can with Carlota.
19. See *shudder* Janet.. *necks self.
20. op-shop a little while its cheap and you have the chance.
That's it. I'm feeling a little down because now i know for my whole life I'm going to have one of those, but what would have happened if i would have stayed in Brisbane type question, damn you Robert Frost for putting the idea so fluently and permanently in my brain. Instead of being able to relate to you, you have cursed me with the affliction of questioning every decision I make. The worst part Is I forgot to even fucking use your poem in the HSC.
also, Shelley Duvall is the thing/person/book/music/movie/pop culture reference, which has currently taken priority one in my heart strings.